Find Your Spiritual Power

Spirituality is the state of having a direct connection to God and the spiritual world.

My name is Nisha Moore I am a spiritual being having

 a human experience while living in my human vessel on this 3D dimension. Here on earth I am your Guided Angel.

If your opened to receive guidance I will  help you understand your Charkas, Provide Reiki healing, help you work with your shadow self, the shadows of the world, you will understand your true self and powers you have within, I use crystals and much more to help you on your journey.

 My gifts come from the spirit of God. My gifts will be used to help humans activate and or help guide you

 through your journey. As humans we have many transformation that we`ll experience throughout life. The key player

in this game on earth is self. You have the keys to unlock all doors within. As you awaken in your truth it will take time, consistency, and willingness to continue to open up and have the ability to seek your true self.  Its not just a over night situation, this is a start to help you on your Journey.

Free Consultation



Open Sans

Noto Sans

Bebas Neue

Great Vibes

Rock Salt





Indie Flower


Roboto Slab


Noto Serif

Open Sans







At Divinely Guided, we provide the following:

A safe environment

At Divinely Guided, you can find a safe and silent environment where you can enjoy the silence while you seek your spirituality.

A community of like-minded individuals

Divinely Guided welcomes all people within and around San Diego who want to connect with their spiritual selves. Once you become a part of us, you get to interact with each other, share experiences, and grow.


If you know little about spirituality, it can be challenging to start, but we can guide you on your spiritual journey.

Helping you seek spiritual satisfaction

I'm grateful because Divinely Guided helped me when I was conflicted and struggling to make critical decisions.

Jane Faber

I trust Divinely Guided. They help me get in touch with my spiritual self.

Joni Love

I'm loyal to Divinely Guided. They have always offered me a safe, judgment-free space when I'm facing various problems.

Madelaine Taylor

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